Sunday, November 10, 2013

2013-10-29 Fun N Sun - first week!

It was a good thing we were able to get set up quickly because there were lots of activities during our first week at Fun N Sun. Wednesday October 30, we went to a park-sponsored Halloween party complete with prizes for the best costumes (we didn’t dress-up), hot dogs and chips, and a local DJ with music for dancing.

On Halloween morning we had to buy candy so that we could attend the annual Halloween party for the children from Sunny Glen Children’s home which was held in our Dance Hall. The children, teen moms and all the house parents came dressed in costume and got to trick-or-treat throughout the hall. We could see how generous all the Fun N Sun residents are because most of the children were dragging their bags back to their tables. One resident even made balloon animals for each child.


November 1st was the flag raising ceremony to open the park and also the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Stanley Boulevard. The Stanley’s were the original park developers and owners.


After church on Sunday we headed to Port Isabel for their annual Shrimp Festival – a new event for us since we have never arrived here so early. The Port Isabel and South Padre Island restaurants sell sample size portions of the best dishes all made with Gulf shrimp. We joined friends Denny, Mary, Tim and Joan for an afternoon of fun eating and listening to the Agency band.

Late in the afternoon, we headed back to St. Joseph’s church for their annual fall festival and a meal of Mexican food. Paul even won a cake at the cake walk so Monday evening we celebrated a belated birthday for him with our K street friends.

Since the weather was so beautiful when we arrived, Jane started aquacise right away on October 29 and we went to the first Texas Country Dance on November 1. Paul’s computer club and Jane’s Toys for Tots also started during the week November 4 and we got to meet the new park manager at the Tuesday morning Koffee Klatch. Jane even made a trip to Fred Booth elementary school to shelve books for a while.

Friday November 8th saw us head to Harlingen to attend a session about birding and binoculars for dummies at the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival. We then perused the trade show booths but soon realized that we were a long way from buying $2000 binoculars or registering for a birding trip in Belize or Panama. Maybe in about 10 years we will be ready – not.

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