Saturday, November 30, 2013

US Thanksgiving & Friday Nite Dance

Jenn spent U.S. Thanksgiving with us at Fun ‘N Sun. We joined about 400 other park residents for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner served between 1:00 and 3:00 pm. That gave us ample time to study the ads so that we could be out shopping at 6:00 pm. Yes, Black Friday started very early in the Rio Grande Valley. Our trip to Kohl’s was successful despite the 2 hour line-up for the cash.
Friday morning we headed out early so Jenn could enjoy a Mexican breakfast. She found the cowboy boots she wanted at the first store we went to but we tried a few others just to make sure we didn’t miss any other Black Friday deals.



Friday night, Jenn accompanied us to the Country Western dance where she met even more of our friends. Saturday morning we headed to the Don-Wes Flea market so that she and Jane could buy bathing suits – are they even glad that Diane from Quebec is back in business.
Sunday morning the sun finally came out so Jenn took the opportunity to enjoy it for a few hours. Sunday noon, Jane took Paul and Jenn to the Harlingen airport for their flights to Newark and Ottawa. Since it was the end of Thanksgiving weekend, the flights were over booked so Jenn took an offer to fly out of Brownsville on a later flight. Jane stayed at Fun N Sun for a few more days enjoyed the last bit of heat before heading home to the frozen north.

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